If the fuel system in your vehicle is dirty, you will be hurting your engine and losing performance as you drive around Zion, ILLINOIS.
Unless they drive a vintage car, Zion auto owners have fuel injectors which need to be properly maintained. That is why your vehicle owner's manual has a schedule for cleaning your fuel injectors and other parts of your fuel system.
Your friendly and knowledgeable service advisor at Northwest Auto And Tire in Zion has the tools and chemicals to do the job right. Northwest Auto And Tire uses a process that gives your car a deep, professional fuel system cleaning. The particles, gum and varnish that build up in your fuel system are removed so that it can run cleanly and efficiently.
After a professional fuel system cleaning at Northwest Auto And Tire, you'll notice more power, improved and reduced exhaust emissions. We strongly recommend you follow your fuel system cleaning service recommendations to keep your vehicle running strong.
Zion drivers don't need the added expense of replacing a fuel injector that's been damaged by neglect. Check with your friendly and knowledgeable Northwest Auto And Tire service advisor and see when your car is scheduled for fuel system cleaning.
Northwest Auto And Tire
2421 20th St
Zion, ILLINOIS 60099